• Last modified 208 days ago (July 18, 2024)


july 23, 1964

Marion Community Guild president Naomi Childs is pictured as she presents a check to St. Luke Hospital administrator Sister M. Maurice. The money will go toward purchase of a new gas machine to be used to administer anesthetics.

Mr. and Mrs. George Baxter attended a meeting Sunday of the OX-5 Club in Wichita.

This is a unique organization of men and woman who have piloted old-type airplanes powered with the OX-5 engine of early flying days.

The engine was a water-cooled V-8 and was used extensively in many privately built airplanes as well as the familiar Jenny.

Babies born this week at St. Luke Hospital include Bryan Lynn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Hess of Marion, born July 17; Rodney Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Richmond of Marion, July 17; Mack George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Clark of Burns, July 19; Ann Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Waner of Marion, July 20; and Jami Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Shirley Jr. of Marion, July 21.

Marion’s slugging women’s softball team led off last Saturday’s contest with Towanda with a 10-run barrage and then coasted to a 28-2 victory.

Mary Ann Finke led the attack with five hits, including two homers. She also was on the mound for six innings, walking five and striking out 10.

Last modified July 18, 2024