• Last modified 209 days ago (July 24, 2024)


july 30, 1964

The job of completely remodeling and modernizing the building at the corner of 3rd and Main Sts., purchased recently by Jackson’s Clothing for its new store, starts in earnest this week. Zerger Construction is in charge of the job.

An announcement of interest this week tells of the re-opening Aug. 1 of Mayflower Theatre in Florence. The Mayflower was the last of the county’s theaters to close and the only one remaining in which the auditorium and projection equipment remain.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klein of Marion announce he engagement of their daughter, Kathleen Ann, to William E. Goentzel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Goentzel, also of Marion. No wedding date has been set.

Three layers of blackboard discovered this week in the old Hill School building tell a story out of the past. Each layer is telling interesting stories dating back almost 100 years.

This glimpse into the past was almost as much fun as the people of 2061 will have when they open a time capsule buried at the Marion County Historical Museum at the centennial celebration in 1961.

Last modified July 24, 2024