• Last modified 150 days ago (Sept. 19, 2024)


Sept. 24, 1964

This week is jam-packed with showings of the new 1965 line of automobiles in Marion dealerships. There will be a complete line of Fords and Mercurys at Gound Motor Co., a full line of Dodge cars and trucks at Powell Motor Co., and the General Motors lines of Chevrolet, Pontiac, and Buick at Cook Motor Co.

A special committee with Roger Hannaford as head has asked that all merchants cooperate with the Old Settlers reunion Oct. 1 by decorating their store windows appropriately for the day.

Glenn Shields, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shields of Lincolnville and a senior at Centre High School, won the Kansas State Fair 4-H tractor-driving contest Tuesday at Hutchinson and will represent the state at a regional contest in Minnesota.

Rosse Case was medalist of the American Legion countywide golf tournament Sunday at Hillsboro. He shot one under par 69 for 18 holes.

Eighty-eight Marion Junior and Cadette Girl Scouts will leave at 8 a.m. Sept. 26 from Emporia on a train trip to Topeka, where they will visit several sites before returning to Emporia at 5:30 p.m.

Last modified Sept. 19, 2024