70 years ago
february 22, 1951
Construction of the new Marion Catholic church is progressing, according to Sylvester Vinduska, chairmen of the building committee. They hope to pour the foundation within the next few days if the weather cooperates.
The date for the opening of the bids for Marion Community Hospital is this Friday, Feb. 23, at 11 a.m. at the county courtroom. A number of contractors are interested in the project, it is understood, and will enter bids.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Harder of the Hillsboro neighborhood were found dead of asphyxiation in their farm home Sunday afternoon. The tragic accident was discovered upon investigation following the report the couple were absent from church that morning.
Sometime this year, if steel can be secured within the bid range, Rhodes Construction Company will begin replacing the flood- destroyed “Wheeler bridge” between Florence and Marion.
The Hillsboro Trojans met defeat on the hardwoods in Marion gym last Friday evening, the final score being 42-37. Dale Ecker was high point scorer with a total of 19 points. He connected with five field goals and made nine out of 12 free throws. Heinze of Hillsboro was next high with 12 points.
The first group, started in 1948, of veterans enrolled in the vocational agriculture class at Marion High School, will complete their work at the end of this month. A new group of ten enrollees will start classes the first of March.
Playing Sunday and Monday at Kaw Theatre is the screen’s most glorious adventure, John Ford’s “Rio Grande” starring John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara. Following on Tuesday and Wednesday will be “Joan of Arc” starring Ingrid Bergman and Jose Ferrer. Admission prices are adults, 50 cents; children 15 cents.
Last modified Feb. 17, 2021