70 years ago
march 1, 1951
The countywide campaign for Blue-Cross, Blue-Shield enrollment got underway today with an office opening in the courthouse to take care of applicants and with representatives in practically every community in the county behind the drive.
The board of directors of the Marion Community Hospital project met Friday morning to open contractor’s bids and found them in excess of money on hand and considerably increased. Another meeting will be held Friday to see if costs can be cut down without sacrificing utility and needs.
Elmer Harms has been named as the new assistant marshal on the Hillsboro police force, according to Roy Wait, chief of police. Harms has taken over the duties of night marshal.
This issue contains the wedding write-up of Rose Marie Dvorak and Cpl. Donald Van Buren, both of Marion, who exchanged vows Feb. 5 at Schofield Barracks post chapel, Wahiawa, Hawaii.
Mrs. Randolph Carpenter appeared on the program Saturday at the Washington Day activities in Topeka. She gave a tribute to the late Woodrow Wilson at the luncheon. Others from Marion attending were Mr. and Mrs. John H. Riddle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris, Edward Costello, and Rev. G.H. DeBoer.
Officers of the surrounding area attended a police training school at the courthouse this week presented by officers of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Classes were from Monday to Thursday and consisted of practical arrest problems, burglary investigation, interviews, courtroom behavior, and criminal identification.
Attendees were from Marion, Hillsboro, McPherson, and Newton departments and Butler and Chase County sheriffs’ offices.
Last modified Feb. 25, 2021