70 years ago
march 22, 1951
Kirchner Drug Store, one of Marion’s long-established businesses, was sold this week by Alfred Kirchner to Alfred A. Swann of Wichita, effective April 18. Swann has many acquaintances in and around Marion, having worked here in an assistant capacity both preceding and after World War II.
The large steel poles for Marion’s new “White Way” are ready to be installed, according to Jack Highsmith. Work will go forward on putting them in place just as rapidly as possible, it was stated.
Marion City Commission has let the contract for handling the city’s sanitary service for the next year to Frank Bailey. The service calls for garbage pickup twice a week, trash twice a month, and an everyday service in the business areas.
The Tampa town basketball team won the annual Gold Medal basketball tournament at Abilene Saturday night for the second straight year. The starting five for Tampa were Arnold Schwemmer, Art Mueller, Woody Steinert, Butch Mueller, and Francis Herbel. The team was managed by Leo Costello, also of Tampa, who is well known as a basketball official. Schwemmer again was voted the outstanding player of the tournament.
Twenty-four or more Marion Boy Scouts are making plans to hold their first camp-out of the season this weekend on Dogfish Island. Weather permitting, they plan to camp out Friday and Saturday nights.
Marion County’s 16th 4-H club was formed during the past two weeks. This new club is located generally in the area between Peabody, Goessel, and Walton, and is starting with approximately 15 members. Officers elected are Norman Schmidt, Ruby Boese, Arlene Schmidt, Delbert Mellott, Gene Manahan, and Sara Truax.
Last modified March 24, 2021