• Last modified 1372 days ago (May 6, 2021)


may 10, 1951

The day many Marionites and others have worked and waited for for many years arrived last week and the construction of Marion Community Hospital is underway. N.F. English Construction Company, Hutchinson, has set up operations buildings, brought in the necessary equipment, and is moving right along on footing and foundation work and excavating for the boiler room basement.

Two Marion High School juniors, Eugene Christensen and John Newcomer, have been named to go to the American Legion-sponsored Boys’ State in Wichita June 10-16. Alternates chosen were Herbert Quiring and Billy McKibbin.

The Tabor College music hall at Hillsboro was completely destroyed by fire early Wednesday morning. Origin of the fire has not been definitely established, but it is thought it was due to lightning. The hall was dedicated in 1948 and at that time the building and contents were valued at $12,500 with only part of the loss covered by insurance.

Another promising industry taking shape in this community is the production in some quantity of the all-purpose, low-price bale elevator. The machine is the outgrowth of an original one built some years ago by Albert Stroda, Marion County farmer living in the Youngtown neighborhood.

Graduation exercises for 50 eighth graders who will graduate from rural schools of the county will be at 8 p.m. May 11 at the Marion City Building.

Mary Margaret Hannaford and Claire Hyde have been chosen by the American Legion Auxiliary and Marion Kiwanis Club to attend Girls’ State at Lawrence June 10 to 17. Alternates chosen were Sarabel Wolf and Betty Bartel.

Last modified May 6, 2021