70 years ago
july 12, 1951
The most devastating flood in the long history of Marion hit the community early Wednesday morning with an unbelievable fury, receded somewhat that evening, then came up again Thursday to complete the wreckage.
The entire business district and most of the homes in the Valley were inundated with up to six feet of water.
Thirty-two inches of water flooded over the newspaper’s linotype mechanisms, into the presses, the type cases, the stock racks, and the desks. Also flooded were 18 motors.
South of Hillsboro correspondent Mrs. J.S. Penner writes about an unpleasant experience of having lightning strike their house at 5 a.m. The telephone was completely burned out and smoked, one light switch and a large piece of plaster were blown out, and electrical wires severed.
Miss Mildred Garrison and Mrs. Elmer Ottensmeier, sponsors, honored members of Sub-Deb with a wiener roast at the Ottensmeier home July 5. After lots of food and fun the girls had a line party to the movie.
An airplane belonging to Leo and Orville Scharenberg and Kenneth Hett of the Youngtown area was badly damaged Sunday in the early morning hurricane velocity windstorm.
Girls athletic director Pauline Best announces the following are members of the girls’ softball teams:
The Wildcats: Doris Meredith, coach; Billy Herbert, captain; Nancy Keazer, Judy Coons, Kay Navrat, Carmen Siebert, Carolyn Merrill, Connie Long, Linda Johnson, Lois Strong, Wanda Johnston, Marguerite Hyde.
Speedball Queens: Laura Jane Bredemeier, coach; Noretta Starkey, captain; Nila Hoopes, Carol Beth Miser, Ann Davies, Maurita Starkey, Wanda Propp, Margie Bernhardt, Janet Priddle, Judy Thatch, Patricia Dixon, Pauline Minear.
Last modified July 8, 2021