• Last modified 1269 days ago (Aug. 26, 2021)


august 30, 1951

The constantly increasing flow of books and periodicals donated to the Marion Library got an extra large boost this week when a truck loaded with over 1,000 volumes arrived from friends in Abilene. They had been collected by Mrs. Lucy Burkholder, former Marion librarian, and included a large group from Mrs. Taylor Riddle and Catherine Riddle.

Marion City Commission this week acted upon a recommendation of the Marion Cemetery board and voted to deed a part of Marion Cemetery to the Diocese of Wichita for use as a Catholic cemetery and passed a resolution to that effect. The part deeded is the southeast corner, according to the city clerk.

Cecil Post, manager of the local alfalfa mill, announces this week that Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. of Minneapolis, Minnesota, has purchased the W.J. Small Co., Inc., and will take control September 1.

The nursery at Marion Hospital is wriggling with five tiny babies. Born during the week are Richard Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn, born August 24; Beverly Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wharton Hoch, born August 26; Mary Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Hajek of Lost Springs, August 27; Beverly Jane Elling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elling, August 28; and Steven Earl Janzen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Janzen, August 29.

Pictured as they pose beside the Rock Island Rocket as they prepare to leave for Kansas City are Dale Ecker, Norman Bredemeier, Earl Grimes, and C.R. Moulton. The four boys have been accepted for enlistment in the Air Corps.

Last modified Aug. 26, 2021