• Last modified 1234 days ago (Sept. 30, 2021)


october 4, 1951

County engineer James F. Meisner received word this week from Rhoades Construction Co., Newton, that shipment of the steel to be used in construction of the “Wheeler Bridge” project will be made about Nov. 10 to 15. Work will get underway soon after the steel arrives.

Scottie Gound, owner, and Stanley Anderson, parts manager, of Gound Motor Company will leave Monday on an all-expense paid 5-day trip to Havana, Cuba, as guests of the Ford Motor Co.

The Marion Warriors took their 18th straight victory Friday night when they defeated Cottonwood Falls on the local field by a score of 27-0 despite the fact that the Warrior second and third teams finished the major portion of the second half. Roberts again led scoring honors for the locals by scoring three of the four scores. Christensen scored the other touchdown.

Four engagements announced in this issue are those of Joyce Keazer and Richard L. Janzen, June Avery and Donald Altum, Dolores and Marvin K. Lee, and Mary Ann Waner and Don Horst.

In observance of National Newspaper Week all 22 writers of the various neighborhood columns which regularly appear in this newspaper were invited to a luncheon Saturday noon at Kingfisher Inn at Marion County Lake.

Correspondents in attendance were Mrs. Walter Hayen, Mrs. Lee Winkley, Mrs. Harold Richmond, Mrs. John Wegerer, William Knode, Mrs. Grover Anderson, Mrs. Jesse Richter, Mrs. Bud McLinden, Mrs. Harrison Ball, Mrs. Fred Stinchcomb, Mrs. Wilmer Boothe, Mrs. Jake Stenzel, and Mrs. Helen Navrat.

The first Junior High School assembly program of the year will be presented Oct. 19 by the eighth grade class. The main part of the program will be a chalk talk by Marion Summervill and Lenore Wheeler. The program is entitled “A House by the Side of the Road.”

Last modified Sept. 30, 2021