• Last modified 1189 days ago (Oct. 14, 2021)


october 18, 1951

Marion Community Hospital, long a dream that many have worked toward changing into reality, is steadily taking shape. The fine concrete and brick structure is rising on the hospital site in the southeast part of Marion. Most of the walls and roof are complete, and with a few more weeks of favorable weather, the interior work can easily continue through the winter without interruption. Plans envision completion and ready for use in about a year.

The tremendous job of getting Marion Public Library back into operation is making headway and it is hoped, according to Mrs. Inez Ray, librarian, to be able to open at least portions of it to the public within two or three weeks,

Pictured are four boys, all college students and all from Marion, who were sent to Camp Crowder, Missouri, for initial processing.

Uncle Sam, however, couldn’t group all the cream of the fighting force in one bushel, so he split the Marionites to the winds, allowing several units to share alike.

Bob Reinke and Jim Garrison are now at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Bud Hannaford is reported to be on bivouac at Fort Riley, and Kerns Allen arrived in Hawaii last Monday to begin training in the Air Corps.

Kaw Theatre, closed for the past three months due to flood damage, will reopen Friday evening with a completely new and remodeled theatre lobby shop, seats, rest room facilities, and other equipment. The first feature will be “Fort Worth.”

The first “Cowhand’s Frolic” put on last Sunday by the Cottonwood Valley Saddle Horse Association was a real success. Special added attraction which pleased the crowd was Clarence Propp as “The Lonesome Stranger”’ astride the mule “Stainless Steel.”

Last modified Oct. 14, 2021