• Last modified 983 days ago (Dec. 22, 2021)


december 27, 1951

Marion City Commission, in a special meeting Wednesday night, came to terms on a negotiated bid with Riddle Quarries, Inc., for extension of water and sewer mains in the south and east portions of the city.

The extensions will start on South Cedar St. where the new Riddle housing project is being constructed and will run for about two blocks on that street.

It will then go east and south to the new home being constructed by David Wheeler.

Dick Jantz won the first place prize of $20 in the Marion Chamber of Commerce- sponsored Christmas home decoration contest. Second prize, won by Edward Good, was $12.50. Third prize, $7.50, went to James Meisner; fourth, $6, to Joe Childs; and fifth, $4, to Marvin Schmidt.

Pictured on the front page is the interior of the modern new Scully Estates office building on South Freeborn St., recently finished by the N.F. English Construction Company of Hutchinson.

The reserved seat ticket sale for the big exhibition basketball game at the Marion gymnasium Saturday, Jan. 12, is going very well with most of the seats already sold, according to Erle Volkland.

The game will be between the Phillips 66’ers and the McPherson Legion championship team.

Local businesses have decided to close their stores in time for the game. A number of stores will follow their regular closing hours while the four produce buying firms have agreed to close at 6 p.m.

The Marion Mashers continued their winning ways Tuesday evening in Marion Gymnasium defeating Leckington Sand of Newton 81-69. Genial Gerry Harris and Bouncing Boyce Baumgartner were the hottest shots for Marion with 21 each. They were followed by Jay Jost with 20 points; Tom Shirley had 15, and Dave Green 4.

Last modified Dec. 22, 2021