• Last modified 1098 days ago (Jan. 13, 2022)


JANUARY 17, 1952

A team of giants, including 7-foot Bob Kurland, visited the new Marion Gymnasium Saturday night when the Phillips “66’ers” met the McPherson Legion in an exhibition game to dedicate the new basketball building. An estimated crowd of more the 1,500 paid admission to witness the contest. The Phillips team defeated the strong and scrappy McPherson team 86-64.

The board of county commissioners this week appointed Arthur E Loewen superintendent of the county farm and his wife was named matron. They will take charge when the extensive remodeling job is completed which should be before long.

A “Line of Dimes” drive will be conducted on a downtown sidewalk Saturday in an attempt to add a little novelty to collecting funds for the annual polio-fighting “March of Dimes: campaign.

A chalk line, 50 feet long, will be drawn in front of the America Legion memorial building and passers-by are encouraged to place dimes on the line in an attempt to cover it. It takes 17 dimes to cover one foot, or 850 dimes to cover 50 feet for a total of $85.

Harry Mott, well-known Marion resident, was named this week as one of the two Marion city marshals. He was appointed to finish Dale Sisson’s term which expires in April.

The 8th grade class will present two one-act plays in the high school auditorium at 8 p.m. Jan. 24. Cast for the first play includes Kay Navrat, Dick Hoch, Connie Long, Carmen Siebert, and Howard Williams. For the second, Marion Summervill, Billie Herbert, Judy Coons, Betty Ford, and Gerald Stage. Lenore Wheeler will furnish musical numbers between the acts.

Last modified Jan. 13, 2022