• Last modified 1108 days ago (Feb. 3, 2022)


february 14, 1952

Donald Dunn, 30-year-old former Marion farmer, was named last week by the Yakima, Washington Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars as its candidate in the nationwide competition for a $50,000 irrigated farm to be given, when the Columbia River basin is opened in May, to “the most worthy veteran.”

A quintet of Marion High School graduates have completed the introductory portion of their three year course and have been formally accepted and capped by Wesley Hospital School of Nursing.

Pictured in their identical nurse attire are Ethel Hiebert, Isla May Hiebert, Carol Oblander, Laura Jane Bredemeier, and Phyllis Magathan. All are members of the Marion High School graduating class of 1951.

Announcement is made this week of the candidacy of Dean C. Batt for the office of Probate Judge of Marion County.

Graveside services for Pfc. Jack Herzet will be held at the Florence cemetery Sunday afternoon. The deceased was killed in action nearly two years ago while stationed in Korea. He was the son of Mrs. Dixie Herzet of Newton.

Al Bernhardt, local GE dealer, has been notified that he has won an all-expense-paid vacation trip to California as a result of the local firm’s sales of major General Electric appliances. He is one of 40 out of the hundreds of GE dealers in a nine-state area who will make the trip.

According to Mrs. Fred Meisinger, this newspaper’s correspondent for the South of Town area, they have an Annie Oakley in their midst. One day last week when a marauding coyote trotted across the field just south of Delmar Allen’s house, Mrs. Allen leveled down on him with a .22 rifle and ended his evil career with neatness, dispatch, and the first shot.

Last modified Feb. 3, 2022