• Last modified 1068 days ago (March 10, 2022)


March 20, 1952

Marion County Hereford Show which has almost become a spring institution here will be held this year on April 5. Marion Chamber of Commerce is again offering cash or script prizes for winners in all classes, for the judge, and the guessing contests.

The hearing on the Santa Fe’s application to discontinue the “doodlebug” trains on the Florence-Ellinwood branch will be held at 10 a.m. March 21 in McPherson. A number of groups representing several cities along the route are planning on being present to protest the discontinuance.

One of the more interesting projects going on in and around Marion is the work being done just south of the Main Street bridge across Mud Creek. A forest of piles has been driven into the bank in a series of rows which will form the main support and framework for a dirt and rip-rap fill which will be put in to prevent further wearing away by the creek waters.

An all Cottonwood Valley League team of basketball players was selected by the coaches in the league at Council Grove last Friday. Robinson of Florence and Hein of Peabody were the only two selected for the first team. Olllek, Hillsboro, and Brose, Marion, were chosen for the mythical second team.

Marion Athletic Association will again sponsor a summer activities program for boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 16, with both a man and woman director. A full line of interesting activities are being worked out.

A home-talent variety musical comedy “Shooting Stars” will be presented in the Marion City Auditorium March 27 and 28. The show is sponsored by Marion Kiwanis Club for the benefit of the 4-H Club project with proceeds to benefit the Rock Springs Ranch Fund.

According to Durham correspondent, Mrs. D.S. Rhode, Cpl. Eugene Steiner of Durham, stationed with the Air Force at Guy’s Marsh, near Shaftesburg, England, was awakened by coughing one night, along with 60 or 70 other American servicemen, when an adjoining barracks caught fire and spread to their building. They got out with what they had on, but the rest of their personal belongings, including clothing burned.

Last modified March 10, 2022