• Last modified 913 days ago (March 17, 2022)


march 20, 1947

Last mid-week’s storm with a moist snow that froze to wires, accompanied by a heavy wind, did an as yet unestimated damage throughout the county. Telephone wires were down, and numerous poles were broken off. Electric wires were likewise damaged, leaving many vicinities without electricity.

The Uncle Ezra Barn Dance, sponsored by the Marion Kiwanis Club and directed by Mrs. T.B. Matlock, will be presented April 10 and 11. The entertainment, introducing many new features and good music, will star Jay Hargett as Uncle Ezra and will include a cast of 50, of which the chorus will be a part.

Crowds thronged the city Wednesday and Thursday for the big two-day show, the 1947 Tractor and Merchandise Show. Clear skies on Thursday after Wednesday’s snow help outside exhibitors and capacity crowds thronged the city building most of the afternoons and all evenings on both days. A great deal of work and expense has been put in the show, and the Chamber of Commerce committees and merchants are to be highly complimented on their fine presentation.

In a letter to Mrs. Al Sparks, received Wednesday, Mrs. S.A. Mudd writes that Mr. Mudd underwent surgery at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, a week ago and has recovered sufficiently to be taken home to Eureka Springs, Missouri.

Milton Stenzel had the thrill of his life Saturday morning when he noticed a plane landing in his pasture.

It landed easily, without any trouble and taxied right up to where Milton was working around the barn lot.

The flier proved to be a Mr. Cowen, flying a brand new yellow Piper Cub from Ponca City to be delivered to Omaha.

He had stopped at the Marion Airport and finding no one there started out again but was about out of gas so decided to land in Stenzel’s pasture.

Milton said he had furnished gas to many stranded motorists but that was the first time he had ever refueled a Piper Cub!

Those named to serve on the election board on April 1 include: judges—J.C. McIntosh, D.M. Seneker, Martha Knight; clerks—Mrs. Mabel McCullough and Mrs. Ruth Lindenberger.

The senior class of Marion High School will present a minstrel show to the public Friday in the high school auditorium. This is the first presentation type of this entertainment for several years. Admission will be charged. Fun for all is promised with action, music, jokes, plays, and costumes.

Last modified March 17, 2022