• Last modified 821 days ago (April 28, 2022)


May 8, 1947

An auction Tuesday of two school houses drew a nice group of bidders and satisfactory bids, J.H. Franzen, county superintendent, reports. Sunnyside No. 12, 1½ miles south and one east of Pilsen, went to Joe Sklenar for $700. No. 98, 2½ miles north of Pilsen, was purchased by Ben Schick, Hillsboro, for $670. Returns from the contents of the building had not been tabulated when the report was made.

A broadcast given over KSAC, Manhattan, Tuesday by students from Marion High School was highly praised by listeners. Janice Socolofsky announced the program, and Shirley Collett, Carol Cone, and Betty Williams gave a skit on colleges, an assignment from their public speaking class, taught by Janet Warders. Musical numbers under the supervision of Maurine Hawbecker, who accompanied the group, included solos by Don Van Buren and Imogene Mathiot and numbers by the triple trio and the double mixed quartet.

A new business in Marion, Sly’s Confectionery, opened for business this week at 205 E. Main St. Frosty malts, cones, candy, and soft drinks are available, plus ice cream in pints and quarts to take out. The business is operated by H.E. Sly, a disabled veteran, and his family.

Junior high school principal Howard Crandall and Mrs. Crandall entertained the junior high basketball boys at dinner Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Those attending on Tuesday were Earl Grimes, Kent Richmond, Dale Ecker, Maurice Hollar, Charles Muse, C.R. Moulton, Robert Skibbe, Dennis Richards, Billy McKibbin, Don Hayen, Leroy Roberts, and Merle Brunner. Guests on Thursday were John Newcomer, Jack Lais, Jerry Brose, Don Seibel, Eugene Christensen, James Propp, Dale Hobein, Teddy Heath, J.B. Miesse, Marvin Kline, Dan Brodhead, Harold Shields, Jimmy Lehrer, and Max Mathiot.

Last modified April 28, 2022