• Last modified 954 days ago (June 30, 2022)


JULY 10, 1947

The Cubby Hole Lunch, for many years a popular Marion eating and gathering place, will soon move into a new building north of its present location on N. 2nd St., just off Main St.

The new building, according to Emory Hawbecker, owner, will be of the latest all-stainless-steel construction, completely fireproof and complying with all restaurant regulations.

It will have eight counter stools, will be air conditioned, gas heated, and equipped with large electric coolers and a refrigerator, electric dishwasher, toilet and wash room. and other modern equipment.

With the installation of new lights at the Marion Athletic Field east of town, the County Softball League will begin night game play this Friday with a doubleheader.

Mrs. Oscar Applegate of Ramona became the first regularly appointed woman rural mail carrier in the history of Marion County when she began carrying the mail July 1 on a 28-mile route out of Ramona. Mrs. Applegate ended 18 years of service as postmaster in the Ramona post office to become the first woman rural carrier.

“The Best Years of Our Lives,” last year’s Academy Award picture, portraying the return of three men from the war and their adjustment to civilian life, is to be shown at special prices two days next week at the Kaw Theatre.

Funeral services for George B. “Cotton” Rankin were held Saturday at Thompson Funeral Home. A member of the community for 57 years, through the erection of a skating rink and the building of a swimming pool in conjunction with it on his property at the northwest corner of Marion, he gave much pleasure to the youth of the community.

Henry B. Jameson, co-owner of the Abilene Reflector-Chronicle and former Associated Press foreign correspondent, entertained an audience of about 50 Chamber of Commerce men Tuesday night with an “off the record” report on the lighter side of the war.

Margaret Richardson began her work July 1 as home demonstration agent for Marion County. She graduated from Kansas State College at Manhattan with the class of 1947.

Last modified June 30, 2022