• Last modified 881 days ago (July 6, 2022)


JULY 17, 1947

Marion Mattress Co. moved Friday to new quarters just two doors west of the post office. It will continue rebuilding old mattresses and making new one and repairing and upholstering furniture. The business is a partnership owned by L.C. Yankee and Harry Nelson.

Betty Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams of Marion, is one of two girls chosen from Kansas to attend Girls Nation in Washington, D.C. All expenses for her Aug. 9 to 14 trip will be paid by Kansas American Legion Auxiliary. This honor comes as the result of ability demonstrated last week when 174 girls from Kansas attended Girls State at Lawrence. This is the first year for Girls Nation.

Kansas Central Bus Lines discontinued business last Friday. Although Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lehrer have done what they could to accommodate their schedules to fit needs of the towns served, the venture failed to be profitable.

Harold A. Schlotthauer, former Marion boy who was graduated with the class of 1935, is making a fine name for himself on the West Coast. He is manager of the California newspaper publishers’ association’s industrial relations bureau.

Mr. and Mrs. George Powell drove to Woodward, Okla., recently to see damage done by a tornado. Mrs. Powell says residents are rebuilding but much remains to be repaired.

Warren Hayen entertained a number of guests at a party at his home July 11 to celebrate his 17th birthday. Invited guests were Loyette Hollar, Cherridah Mullikin, Mary Louise Heath and her houseguest Marilyn Graham of Peabody, Donna Jean Christensen, Anne Burkholder, Georgia Christensen, Warren Woerz, Joe Bill Gound, Kenny Conyers, Kerns Allen, Dean Hansen, and J.C. Wright.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Svitak are the parents of a daughter born Sunday, July 13, at the Marion hospital.

Mrs. Junior Bredemeier and Mrs. Don Hett were hostesses at a pink and blue shower to compliment Mrs. Tommy Thompson last Friday evening at the Bredemeier home.

Installation has been completed during the past week of new fluorescent lights in the main auditorium of Emmanuel Baptist Church, increasing the lighting five times, according to pastor J.J. Abel.

Last modified July 6, 2022