• Last modified 812 days ago (Nov. 17, 2022)


NOV. 28, 1947

Annual audit of the books of the courthouse began this week. Members of the firm of Willems and Haury, McPherson, are in Marion working on it.

Judge Jas. P. Coleman appointed Charles Dalke, Lehigh, and Ira Siebert and C.F. Pantle, Marion, to act as a board of appraisers on land adjoining Hillsboro which Hillsboro wishes to buy from Scully Estate for an airport. A board appointed some months ago brought in an estimate that was far above the money voted by the city for such use.

Down on the Santa Fe tracks by the rock elevator on a chilly November afternoon, Roger Morse read the list of what county communities had done when called upon to fill a car of Marion County wheat for a friendship train. They had given not one, but two cars in an outpouring of generosity for the hungry of Europe.

Mrs. E.V. Burkholder and Ann entertained at dinner Monday complimenting Darlene Johnson of Ventura, California, who is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernal Johnson. Guests were Mrs. Russell Owens, Wichita; Frances Langley, Joan Wight, and Ella Marie Reinke.

Karon Sue Highsmith celebrated her 6th birthday Tuesday afternoon with a party given by her mother, Mrs. Roy Highsmith. Guests were Coleen Allen; Clydeen Edmonds; Louise Ford; Violet Goodsel; Shirley Hedrick; Donna and Marion Kelsey; Charles, Alfred, and Lois Maltbie; Betty Pettigrew; Sharon Propp; Patsy Slusser; Harold Soyez; Janice Weber; Margo and John Webster.

Jim Hett entertained his Sunday school class Friday night with a party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hett. Those there were Duane and Dwight Fruechting, Betty and Bonnie Harder, Barbara and Carol Mott, Bobby Seibel, and Kenneth and Ailene Winkley.

The café known as the Green Parrot for a number of years but now christened the Korner Café reopened Wednesday after having been closed for a week for redecorating. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hansen, owners, and sons Robert and Paul have done much of the work.

Last modified Nov. 17, 2022