• Last modified 804 days ago (Nov. 30, 2022)


DEC. 12, 1947

The four-inch snow that fell Tuesday, containing 0.37 inches of moisture, is not only beautiful but also just what wheat farmers ordered. A heavy hoarfrost this morning made the landscape a fairyland of beauty.

A new Wurlitzer reed electronic organ and chimes installed last week at the Christian church will be dedicated at the Sunday morning service. The organ is a Christmas gift from the congregation to the church. The whole project has been accomplished under the leadership of a committee comprised of Francis Roberts, Mrs. David W. Wheeler, Bryan Bell and Mrs. August Schoneman.

Donnie Hayen suffered a broken toe while practicing basketball last week at the high school gym.

Sheriff Lloyd Davies, accompanied by four deputies and flanked by the Highway Patrol moved in on a four- room farm house Saturday evening and took into custody the proprietor of an open bar plus an assorted variety of bottled whiskey and liquors. The place was one-half mile east of the Chase County line, just north of US-50. J.F. McGrew, known as “Dangerous Dan,” operator of the road house, was taken before Judge Jay Hargett in county court Monday. He pleaded guilty to two counts and was sentenced to six months in county jail and fined $400 plus court costs of $63.25.

Mrs. Fred Batt was badly burned and the Batt home damaged by an explosion when gas in the kitchen of the home, one mile north of Marion, ignited about 6 p.m. Monday night. The accident follows by 10 days the hospitalization of her sister-in-law, Mrs. G.D. Longhofer, who was overcome by gas fumes in her home at 1015 E. Main St., Marion.

Last modified Nov. 30, 2022