75 years ago
JAN. 2, 1948
According to the records at the office of the city clerk, 45 citizens passed on during 1947, and 66 babies were born. Of the 66 babies, all but one was born at the Marion hospital.
Captain Julian Greer, son of Mrs. John B. Greer, is being detached from his present duty at the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, and will go to Washington, D.C., to study Portuguese for two years as a member of the joint Brazil-U.S. Military Commission on the staff of the Brazilian Aeronautical Command and Staff College as adviser and instructor.
Mrs. R.M. McMahon of Goshen, New York, the former Jean Dixon of Marion, recently was installed as president of the women’s auxiliary to the Goshen post of Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso J. Klenda entertained at a buffet supper Sunday evening in honor of daughter Nancy’s first birthday. Guests were Joe Steiner and Hubert, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Klenda, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hajek and Lorraine, Mr. and Mrs. John Safarik, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steiner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stika and family, and little Carolyn Wilson of Kansas City.
Several engagements announced in the issue included the following:
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Brunner of Ramona announce the engagement of their daughter, Neva Mary, to Jack M. Applegate, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Applegate of Ramona.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben A Larson of Peabody announce the engagement of their daughter, Irene Annie, to Walter D. Schmidt, of Newton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Schmidt of Peabody.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Durham, announce the engagement of their daughter, Virginia Mae, to Clyde Kissinger, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Henry H. Kissinger of Hastings, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelsey announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan, to Roy Pagenkopf, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Pagenkopf of Lincolnville.
Last modified Dec. 21, 2022