75 years ago
JAN. 22, 1948
At its annual reorganization meeting, the Board of County Commissioners again named S.W. Williamson of Marion as chairman. Other members are Ed Nicklaus and George Jost.
One of the best pictures of 1947, “Miracle on 34th St.,” starring John Payne and Maureen O’Hara, will be shown Sunday and Monday at the Kaw.
Girl Scout Troop 2 met Tuesday evening and elected these officers: Sarabel Wolf, president; Jessie Jewett, vice president; June Bailey, secretary-treasurer; Alice Ward, pianist; Peggy Weibert, song leader; and Patricia Henry, scribe.
Obley’s Firestone Store in Marion, which has been operated since its opening a little over two years ago by “Biz” Obley, was sold this week to L.L. Clark, Herington. Harold Keazer, who has been associated with the firm here, will manage the store.
Vernie Vinduska was pleasantly surprised Jan. 14 when a party to honor of her 16th birthday was given by Patricia Meysing. Others invited were Dorothy Adams, June Avery, Vicki Barrett, Loretta Conyers, Treva Kelsey, Kathryn Popp, Norma Sly, Virginia Wright, and Nora Zeller.
A hearing on a complaint made by Anna Kline against Juan Martinez that he unnecessarily cut down trees Sunday was heard Monday in the office of the probate judge. The case was continued until the judge could obtain more information.
Last modified Jan. 18, 2023