• Last modified 679 days ago (April 6, 2023)


april 8, 1948

Marion Equipment Co. announces a big day of free entertainment April 15 at Marion City Auditorium. Eight popular WIBW stars will be here in person to entertain.

Starting last Sunday, the morning Santa Fe Doodle Bug bound from Ellinwood to Florence will come through Marion at 10:45 a.m. It now gets into Florence at 11:05 a.m.

Grand champion bull at the hereford show Saturday was Alf Beau Rollo 47th from the polled hereford herd of O.J. Shields of Lost Springs. Junior champion bull was Baron Lamplighter 46, owned by Henry Waner, Florence.

Pictured on the front page is the weekly G.I. vocational agriculture class as class members watch a welding demonstration.

Three Marion High School entries won signal honors of highly superior at a district music festival last week in Emporia. They are Donna Hobein, saxophone; Katherine Popp, flute; and the girls’ triple trio, comprised of Gladys Eitzen, Elizabeth Ford, Edna Grimes, Patsy Harris, Marilyn Hayen, Betty Holmes, Donna Pankratz, Madeline Penland, and Katherine Popp,

Charles Heerey, who farms southwest of town, left Friday for a visit to his native Ireland with a stopover in Chicago for a three-day visit with his brother. He will sail April 9 from New York aboard the S.S. Washington. He plans to return May 27.

Last modified April 6, 2023