• Last modified 539 days ago (July 27, 2023)


july 29, 1948

Entries have been pouring in for the annual Cottonwood Saddle Horse Association horse show and races next Thursday. An estimated 100 horses may vie for $1,000 in prize money.

Because of continued wet weather, city sanitary service collections have been delayed in some locations. According to city clerk Keith Kelsey, mud in some alleys has made it impossible to make collections.

Mrs. Fred Meisinger, correspondent from south of town, writes in her column: “The new 77 highway is a grand road to drive over. It’s a real boulevard. During the recent flood, when the roads across the bottom were underwater, the new highway really proved its worth.”

The mail messenger job at Marion post office that has been handled for the past 12 years by Silas Weidenbener has been awarded to Art Klein on a low bid of $1,200, acting postmaster Nettie Williams announces.

Connie Sue Long was honored at a party Wednesday afternoon celebrating her 10th birthday.

The guest list included Karen Becker, Vicki Black, Karen and Molly Brodhead, Judy Coons, Patricia Dixon, Billie Herbert, Nancy Keazer, Sandy Kay Long, Kay Navrat, Alda Ratts, Jeanette Russell, Carmen Siebert, and LeNore Wheeler.

L. King left Monday afternoon by bus for Clarksville, Texas, because of serious illness of his sister, Sally King, 95.

Last modified July 27, 2023