• Last modified 537 days ago (Aug. 3, 2023)


aug. 5, 1948

In a surprisingly quiet primary election Tuesday, voters of Marion County chose Edwin G. Westerhaus over Charles W. Ward for the Republican nomination for county attorney; W.H. White of Council Grove over Alvin Wight for state senator; J. Ira Newcomer over S.W. Williamson for second district commissioner; and Francis Roberts over D.W. Sterling for county clerk.

Twelve Marion Boy Scouts with their leaders, Homer Stiller and Virgil Wiebe, and junior leader, Bob Reinke, will leave Sunday for a week’s summer trip to Roaring River State Park at Cassville, Missouri.

Max Merrill and Bud Hannaford left Sunday from Newton for a boys bus tour of Colorado.

The Wichita Feminaires, a group of women pilots. flew into Marion’s municipal airport Sunday morning in three Luscombes and two Cessnas and breakfasted here as guests of Hoopes Flying Service. Also breakfasting with them were Chamber of Commerce president Leslie Powell, W.J. Haas, flight instructor Bernice Hahn, and host Virgil Hoopes.

These girls went Sunday to Camp Wood, Elmdale, for a 10- day camping period: Vicki Black, Jeaneen Brose, Judy Coons, Ann Davies, Billy Herbert, Diana Herbert, Nila Hoopes, Carolyn Merrill, Ginger Price, Marilyn Reh, Jeanette Russell, Charlene Youk, Judy Thatch, Susan Thiel, and LeNore Wheeler.

Last modified Aug. 3, 2023