75 years ago
sept. 9, 1948
Marion County Jail looks just a little like Grand Central Station these days with a near capacity crowd of 10 men taxing its facilities as of Thursday morning. It is the largest number held there at one time in recent years, according to Sheriff Lloyd Davies.
A photograph by Leslie Broadstreet of Moderne Studio was selected to
hang this year at the National Photographers Association convention in Chicago. The picture, an aerial view of the Batt farm three miles northeast of Marion, is titled “Good Old Kansas.”
Judge J.T. Dickerson and Orlie Billings will be the headliners for this year’s Old Settlers Picnic, coming up Thursday, Sept. 16.
Hundreds of people from over this area attended the reopening last weekend of the Marion Kroger store. Pictured are employees Dan Pankratz and Lavina Linn at one of the produce counters in the new store.
Anne Burkholder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burkholder, expects to sail from New York about Sept. 15 for Lusanne Switzerland, where she will be a student of languages at the School for Young Ladies.
Reburial services for Private Kenneth E. Brunner, who lost his life May 15, 1945, in the battle on Mindanao in the Philippines were last Sunday at Hope. Burial services for Seaman Allen Beisel, who lost his life in a mishap Jan. 24, 1946, on the USS Shaula at Leyte in the Philippines were Sept. 5, also at Hope.
Last modified Sept. 6, 2023