• Last modified 476 days ago (Sept. 28, 2023)


sept. 30, 1948

Marion High School band is desperately in need of new uniforms. Before they can be purchased, $1,400 must be raised to cover the difference between the funds on hand and the expected cost of the project.

Jim Hett, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hett of near Aulne, took first place in the junior sheep-shearing contest last week at the State Fair in Hutchinson. Jim is a member of Sunshine 4-H Club.

A civic theater for Marion will be organized at a meeting Oct. 7 at the city building. All persons in the community of all ages are invited to attend. The only requirement for membership is an enthusiastic interest.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Good are the parents of a son, Robert Bruce, who arrived on his mother’s birthday, Sept. 25, at the Marion hospital. The Goods have two other sons, Bill and Tommy, who welcome the baby brother.

A new building with all new modern equipment has been added to the Marion business district. It is the Merrill cleaning plant on S. 2nd St.

After school Sept. 21, a number of youngsters helped Jerry Dieter celebrate his 10th birthday. The following were invited: Gail and Jean Dody, LaVern and Lavina Hoffman, Glenn and Dean Weichold, Vera and Joyce Remmers, William and Sandra Hammer, Larry Dieter, Phyllis Thies, LeNore Wheeler, Jeanette Russell, Carol Krispense, Mayme Swehla, Dean Kelsey, and Marion Summerville.

Last modified Sept. 28, 2023