• Last modified 497 days ago (Oct. 5, 2023)


oct. 7, 1948

After the setting of the case of the State of Kansas vs. William Edward Gayer, the judge has ordered 75 additional jurymen drawn. The murder trial in the death of Herbert J. Kindred is set to begin Oct. 25.

In a change of pastors in the Wichita Diocese this week, Father Joseph Goracy comes from chancellor of the Wichita diocese to St. John’s parish, Pilsen. Father Aloysius B. Clupny transfers from Pilsen back to Timken, where he had served for 23 years. Father Emil J. Kapaun, mostly recently at Timken, at the suggestion of Bishop Carroll has re-enlisted as a chaplain in the Army.

Marion Paint Shop, for the past several months operated in the partnership by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knackstedt and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wait, reverted this week to single ownership of the Knackstedts.

Specials Friday and Saturday at Buckley’s Grocery include spiced grapes, 8 oz. can, 13 cents; green beans, No. 2 can, 13 cents; sorghum, 5-pound jar, 53 cents; Lifebuoy soap, 3 bars, 29 cents; Welch’s orange marmalade, 1-pound jar, 19 cents; and Bonus chocolate flavored syrup, 16-ounce bottle, 5 cents.

According to the classified ads, cakewalks will be held in the coming week by the Highland, Pleasant View, Dickerson, Victor, and Grapes schools.

Last modified Oct. 5, 2023