• Last modified 284 days ago (May 2, 2024)


may 5, 1949

Two questions will be presented May 10to voters of Marion. The first: Shall the licensing of package liquor stores in Marion be permitted? The second: Shall the city commission be empowered to issue bonds for the construction of a modern, approved swimming pool in the city?

Members of Ecker-Fulkerson-Slifer Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars conducted military burial services May 4 for Marine Corporal Clinton James Ecker Jr., one of this community’s first war casualties, who died Nov. 20, 1943, on Tarawa.

Max Merrill, Roger Hannaford, and Jim Fruechting will attend Boys State in June in Wichita. Selected to attend Girls State in Lawrence are Kathryn Popp and Nora Zeller. Alternate delegates are Norma Sly, Patsy Meysing, Richard Bredemeier, and Tim Burkholder.

The junior-senior banquet April 29 featured a Hawaiian theme. Max Merrill welcomed guests, and Kerns Allen providing a response. The Jimmy Jones Orchestra of Salina provided music for the prom that followed.

Last modified May 2, 2024