• Last modified 181 days ago (July 17, 2024)


july 21, 1949

The first legal liquor sales in this county were made this week from the approved Florence store of Kenneth E. Robinson. The approved application was one of 279 licenses mailed Tuesday, the first day permits were issued. The application of John Leo Brose Jr. for a store in Marion is pending.

An oil well on Martin Lueker’s property a half-mile west of Lincolnville and a little north gushed and flowed out of the casing, at times shooting to above the derrick. It has extended what is known as the south Lost Springs pool virtually to the city limits of Lincolnville.

One of the most outstanding collections of its kind in the state is the button collection of Mrs. Fred Muck.

The approximately 75,000 buttons include ones from “wrong way” Douglas Corrigan, Glenn Cunningham, Bob Burns, Shirley Temple, Bette Davis, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, President Herbert Hoover, George Burns and Gracie Allen, Emily Post, and many, many others.

Horace W. Sly, who suffered painful and disabling leg injuries as a result of his service during the war, received a new automobile from the government this week.

Last modified July 17, 2024