• Last modified 71 days ago (Nov. 26, 2024)


dec. 1, 1949

Progress toward making the community hospital a reality continues. The project is at the top of the list for a federal grant of approximately 40% of the total cost. The balance of unpaid pledges is being sought, with more possibly needed.

Marion Creamery this week expanded its distribution of Wolf’s Grade A pasteurized and homogenized milk into Chase County.

This high-quality milk, a product of one of Marion’s growing private industries, will now be available in Cottonwood Falls and Strong City stores.

Two additional cases of polio have been reported this week. They bring the year’s total to 10 in Marion County.

Taken ill last week were 9-year-old Adolph Holub, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Holub, Tampa, and 2½-year-old Monty Stuchlik, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Stuchlik, Lost Springs. There is no late report on their condition.

Old man coyote will find it harder than ever to get away now. The official bounty paid by the county for a scalp with a pair of ears attached has been upped to $2, double the payment formerly made.

Last modified Nov. 26, 2024