• Last modified 867 days ago (Sept. 1, 2022)


SEPT. 19, 1942

Twelve years ago three southern orators came to Kansas to organize the Populist Party: Polk of North Carolina, Livingstone of Georgia, and Terrell of Texas. The latter harangued Marion County people for two hours in Billings Park.

The Record warned Marion county Populists (who had been Republicans) that the mission of these three worthies was not to organize a permanent party but to disrupt the Republican Party in the interest of southern Democrats.

For those kindly warnings we were roundly denounced. But now, in the light of history, we ask candid Populists who was right at the time.

Polk is dead, and Livingstone and Terrell long since went back to the Democratic Party, which they left for only a while to bamboozle Kansas farmers. These worthies having gone back to the party where they belong. Why shouldn’t their deserted followers return to the Republican Party, where they belong?

Ernest Colvin, who used to live with his parents in Marion and graduated from Marion High School in the class of ’98, has gone to Northwestern University in Illinois to take a course in literature.

For the last two years he has been in newspaper work in Wichita, nine months of that time being on the Eagle staff. His many Marion friends wish him abundant success in his chosen line of work.

The third game of baseball between the schoolteachers and school officers will be played Saturday, Sept. 27, on the Marion diamond. The game will be called promptly at 10 a.m. Admission, 10 cents.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Hannaford are visiting in Topeka.

A band of fortune tellers afflicted Marion the first of the week.

The Presbyterians will have a social at Mrs. Funk’s next Tuesday evening, Sept. 23, to which all are cordially invited. Refreshments, consisting of ice cream, cake, and coffee, will be served.

The following is from a recent issue of the Driver’s Telegram:

Yesterday’s top cattle at $7.75 were marketed by G.H. Wight of Antelope, Kansas. They averaged 1,387 pounds and were of good quality, the kind that Mr. Wight always brings to market. In fact, his cattle are usually so good that it is no trick at all for Mr. Wight to top the cattle market.

Yesterday’s consignment outsold the second best by 0.75. This showing is in harmony with Henry Wight’s reputation as a cattle feeder. He is considered one of the best in the county and always keeps good stock.

We understand there were four carloads in the consignment referred to by the Telegram.

William Jenkins asks us to acknowledge publicly the great gratitude of himself and daughter to the neighbors and friends for great kindness in their recent affliction.

M.S. Hackler’s opening last Saturday evening was the greatest event that has ever been witnessed in Tampa.

About 7 o’clock the crowd began to assemble, and by 8:30 Hackler’s elegant store was literally packed.

A short but very excellent musical program was rendered by some young people. Punch was served and many beautiful souvenirs were given away.

About midnight the old folks went home, and the young people went to the dance hall, where they spent a delightful hour in dancing.

The Rev. C.M. Sheldon, the Rev. J.D. McFarland, Santa Fe Railroad company treasurer Edward Wilder, Thomas Page, C.P. Bolmar, and other representative temperance men of Topeka had a secret conference Saturday with Attorney General Goddard.

The purpose of the meeting was to devise the best method to start impeachment proceedings against their mayor, Mayor Parker, for alleged non-enforcement of the prohibition law.

Have you seen the new showcase in Loveless & Sons store? It is a beauty.

Last modified Sept. 1, 2022