MHS students try to make community a better place
Staff writer
Marion High School’s community service day and FFA tailgate meal raised money this fall to brighten holidays for people less fortunate.
Every seminar class decides its community service project. senior Mitch Norris said. His class chose a car wash.
The car wash raised $350 washing 120 cars, senior Calli Burkholder said.
“I think a lot of it is that a lot of people came down to support us, and they donated very generously,” she said.
Mitch added: “It’s really not one person”
Community service day is the day before Old Settlers Day each year. Students can choose raising money, picking up trash, or any project that helps spruce up the town before visitors flock in.
After the car wash, with money in hand, class members voted between Marion’s Community Christmas program and Marion County Food Bank, selecting the Christmas program.
Andrea and Drew Salsbury, who own Salsbury Sweets, also donated money they would have paid for students’ treats at the car wash principal Donald Reimer said. The Salsburys are parents of Marion students.
FFA members served a tailgate meal during the football team’s season-opening game. The organization raised $700 and donated half to Community Christmas and half to the food bank.
Mitch, who also belongs to Key Club, another community service organization, enjoys helping provide services people need, and thinks anyone doing community service can be inspired and want to do more.
Applications for Marion Community Christmas, which can be picked up at city hall, are due Friday. Distribution will be Dec. 15.
Last modified Nov. 17, 2022