• Last modified 573 days ago (June 29, 2023)


on Main
to continue Friday

Staff writer

Movies on Main will show Disney’s “Big Hero 6” Friday.

Organized by Bill & Essie’s BBQ and sponsored this week by St. Luke Hospital, the event is free. Movies are shown in a parking lot between the restaurant’s future location at 3rd and Main Sts. and St. Luke Auxiliary Shoppe.

This is the second week for Movies on Main.

Megan Jones of Bill & Essie’s hopes it will continue.

“We’re just getting started and playing it by ear,” she said. “Based on the response, though, I am hoping we have many, many more.”

“Daddy Day Camp” kicked off the series June 17.

Jones is working with Swank Motion Pictures Inc. to acquire rights to show movies publicly, she said. Under federal law, movies shown at a public event must be licensed. It’s illegal to show a rented or owned DVD outside of one’s home.

Sponsorships help defray cost to show movies legally, Jones said.

“Movie licensing is not cheap,” she said.

Swank has a library of movies from which Jones can choose.

Bill & Essie’s will serve barbecue sandwiches. Salsbury Sweets will sell cotton candy. Kari’s Kitchen will sell popcorn and lemonade. Other snacks also will be available.

Activities such as games will start at 6 p.m., and the movie will start at 9 p.m.

Last modified June 29, 2023