• Last modified 576 days ago (July 20, 2023)


New ambulance arrives for county

Staff writer

The county’s number of ambulances increased by one last week when a ready-built ambulance ordered in May and refurbished for Marion County arrived.

Commissioners got their first look at the ambulance during a break in Monday’s meeting when ambulance director Curt Hasart took commissioners to the courthouse parking lot.

The 2023 Chevrolet Arrow ambulance was ordered from Iowa, where Hasart found it for sale on a lot.

The $223,500 ambulance cost $179,900 plus $43,600 to fit its insides to county specifications and to put the name of the county and its unit number on the exterior.

The ambulance will be stationed in Hillsboro.

For several months the county has been short of ambulances because of mechanical issues. Ambulances have been shuffled around to cover shortages.

Another ambulance, purchased with COVID-19 funds, is on order. Hasart expects it to arrive in October. That ambulance will be stationed in Marion and bring the county’s fleet to seven.

Kanza Rd. closure

Kanza Rd. north of US-56 will be closed for an estimated two weeks so work can be done on 500 feet of the road.

Engineer Darin Neufeld of EBH Engineering said a sign would be put up at US-56 saying the road was closed to through traffic. Another sign will be put up at 210th Rd.

A base will be created and new concrete will be poured.

Neufeld said he hoped a contractor can finish the job by Aug. 4, cutting off the second weekend of the road being closed.

Last modified July 20, 2023