• Last modified 1248 days ago (Feb. 25, 2021)


Novak urges conservative grass-roots efforts

Former county commissioner speaks during gathering of patriot’s club

Staff writer

Former county commissioner and longtime Republican Dianne Novak Sunday urged her audience to get involved if they want to support limited government.

Before a gathering of about 50 who joined a group of “Proud Patriots” at the Marion Lake Hall she championed two grassroots efforts, the Convention of States Project and constitutional home rule.

Rose Davidson, vice-chair of the Marion Republican party, thanked Novak for speaking to the gathering she grew from a small band of like-minded supporters of Donald Trump that called themselves the “Trumpettes.”

Davidson, Gloria Seifert, Karen Williams and Denice Bina now are the “Lady Patriots.”

“We are Americans who are concerned about our country,” Davidson said. “We didn’t get who we wanted to be in the White House and so now we have to figure out what we can do.”

She reminded everone gathered at the hall that “God is in control” and said the purpose of the public meeting was to offer support to other like-minded people.

“Sometimes I think I am the only one who feels the way I feel. It’s nice to know there are other people who feel same way you do,” she said. “It gives you some hope and courage.”

Novak told her audience how she has gotten involved and urged them to as well.

She is a district captain for an effort to urge lawmakers to ask for a convention of states to amend the U.S. Constitution. It would take two-thirds of states for congress to do this.

She said about 15 states have signed on to the effort.

“Kansas unfortunately is not one, but we are close,” she said, adding they have a group of people working to get Kansas on board.

Novak said the effort would only succeed if people began calling their representatives.

“That is the way we take back government in respect to financial responsibility, term limits, and less regulation,” she said. “And that, in a nutshell, covers a lot of territory.”

She also is in favor of constitutional home rule.

“Counties all have home rule, but under home rule counties are still very restricted,” she said. “You have act under statuatory authority.”

Under constitutional home rule counties have a lot more independence, she said.

“It is actual self government,” she said. “We need that here. We need that in every county, because one size does not fit all – every county needs to have its own sovereignty.”

The issue will appear on the ballot in upcoming elections, said.

“I would certainly encourage you to vote yes,” she said.

Last modified Feb. 25, 2021