• Last modified 981 days ago (June 29, 2022)



These offense reports were released this past week by law enforcement agencies:


Driving as a habitual violator

Philip D. Heathcock, 53, Loveton, New Mexico, was arrested at 4:07 a.m. June 21 in the 100 block of E. 6th St. in Florence after a lengthy traffic stop that, according to radio transmissions, included a positive indication of drugs from a Marion police drug dog summoned during the stop. No drug charges were listed on his arrest record.

Heathcock was accused under a state law that classifies drivers as habitual violators if, within five years, they are convicted — or, in some cases, entered diversion agreements — three or more times for any of a series on driving offenses, including drunken driving, driving while a license is suspended or revoked, failing to stop at an accident, and failing to have liability insurance.

According to monitored transmissions, Heathcock’s license was listed as revoked when he was stopped after a vehicle not registered to him was followed to a Florence residence.

He was released from jail three days later after posting a $5,000 surety bond.


A John Deere 825i Gator and a dozen miscellaneous tools and buckets, together valued at $9,825, were stolen between 9 p.m. June 21 and 6:38 a.m. June 22 from Kermit M. Nikkel’s farmhouse near 180th Rd. and the Marion/McPherson County line.


Trespassing, theft

A person whom an Auto House employee had told not to enter the towing company’s impound lot at 108 N. Birch St. before paying fees owed reportedly entered a vehicle at 10:27 a.m. June 22 and took two pocket knives and four keys.


Possession of marijuana and of methamphetamine with intent to distribute it; other charges

As reported last week, 14.3 grams of methamphetamine (enough for more than 100 doses), 7.3 grams of marijuana (enough for 20 joints), and drug paraphernalia including a glass pipe and two other glass smoking devices were seized at 12:06 a.m. June 21 during a traffic stop for speeding on US-56 near Ridge Rd.

After the driver of the vehicle pulled over, he allegedly indicated presence of marijuana in his vehicle. A subsequent search led to discovery of the drugs and other items, officer Aaron Slater’s report states.

Joshua Bradley 37, Downs, was arrested on suspicion of possessing meth with the intent to distribute it, possessing marijuana and drug paraphernalia, having no drug tax stamp and no proof of liability insurance, and speeding.

He was released 14 hours later after posting a $10,000 surety bond.

Last modified June 29, 2022