These offense reports were released this past week by law enforcement agencies:
Felony theft
Jim R. Graber of rural Newton reported that his 2004 GMC Sierra 2500HD, valued at $10,000, was stolen between 4:15 p.m. Oct. 29 and 4:25 p.m. Oct. 30 from a rural road near Falcon and 80th Rds.
The theft reportedly was witnessed by a woman living at the same rural Newton address.
The pickup was report as recovered Oct. 29, but no details of the recovery were included in the offense report.
Felony criminal damage
Dakota L. Dillashaw told deputies that an acquaintance used a baseball bat to do damage estimated at $5,000 to Dillashaw’s 2006 Dodge Magnum while the station wagon was parked at 1:51 a.m. Nov. 1 outside Dillashaw’s residence in the 600 block of Main St. in Florence.
An offense report states that the damage was witnessed by a woman who lives at the same address.
Monitored radio transmissions indicate dispatchers were informed while the station wagon was, in the words of a caller, “being destroyed.”
The person damaging the vehicle reportedly left in another car, headed toward El Dorado. The caller provided a name, description, and license plate. At the request of Marion County deputies, El Dorado police located and stopped the car at 2:28 a.m.
Ezekiel D. Castleman, 25, El Dorado, was arrested on suspicion of felony criminal damage to property and transferred to a Marion County deputy at the county line. A baseball bat found in the vehicle also was seized, transmissions indicate.
Castleman was jailed for less than three hours before posting a $5,000 surety bond and being released.
Criminal damage, interference with law enforcement
A juvenile whose age initially could not be determined allegedly caused $100 damage to drywall during a domestic dispute at 2:30 p.m. Nov. 2 at a rental residence in the 100 block of S. Ash St.
The incident at the residence, owned by William M. Rogers, 63, rural Hillsboro, was reported by a 20-year-old woman who lives there.
According to monitored police transmissions, she called police to ask to have a male removed from the house. Neither drugs nor alcohol were involved, nor were any weapons in the house. A Hillsboro officer, two sheriff’s deputies, and a part-time officer all responded to the call.
Officers attempted to verify the age of the suspect, stating in radio transmissions that he would not speak and that others in the house thought he was 18.
After checking with Harvey County authorities, assistant chief Randy Brazil reported that the suspect was 17 and transported him to juvenile intake instead of county jail.
Last modified Nov. 10, 2022