• Last modified 611 days ago (June 15, 2023)


Officers await blood test results

Staff writer

It remains unknown whether a Wichita teen was as inebriated as she appeared June 4 when she crashed her car in a pasture off 190th Rd. and it burst into flames after hitting a tree.

Sheriff Jeff Soyez said that the life of the teen, Zoee M. Stoehl, 19, was uppermost in the minds of rescuers after she was found crawling away from her blazing car. She had driven through a barbed wire fence along 190th Rd. west of Pawnee Rd., across a pasture, and into a tree, where her car burst into flames.

Soyez said state troopers and Sedgwick County deputies were asked that morning to get a blood sample at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita but did not.

Now, a warrant for blood test results from the hospital will be needed to prove intoxication, Soyez said.

When passers-by found Stoehl, she was crawling away from the car. She told them two passengers might be trapped inside.

Marion fire chief Chris Killough, although focused on putting out the fire, said that Stoehl was intoxicated and that there were no other people in the car.

Marion ambulance took her on an emergency basis to Wesley.

Last modified June 15, 2023