• Last modified 856 days ago (Oct. 6, 2022)


Official plans meal for power workers

Marion City Council member Ruth Herbel will be host for an appreciation breakfast for Marion electrical employees Oct. 7 during public power week.

The breakfast will be at 7 a.m. at Our Savior Lutheran Church. On the menu are biscuits, gravy, and fruit cups.

The city also is having a food and teachers’ supply drive during October.

Suggested donations include sticky notes, paper towels, paper plates, gallon and quart zipper bags, tissues, bandages, sidewalk chalk, crayons, washable markers, pencils, glue, craft paints, peppermint candy, Tootsie Rolls, M&Ms, and Skittles.

Donations may be taken to community engagement office at city hall. Two donors will win $25 off city utility bills for December.

Last modified Oct. 6, 2022