• Last modified 289 days ago (April 25, 2024)


Old car brings new pleasures to family

Staff writer

Matt and Laura Voth usually show up for Sunday services at Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church driving a new/old Ford.

“I like to drive it to church on Sunday mornings, and so do my kids,” Voth said. “My wife — I think the jury’s still out.”

The Voths bought the dark blue, four-door 1938 Ford Sedan with tan interior in 2022 at Kansas Mennonite Relief sale.

He took his first spin behind the wheel that same day, driving it home to Goessel.

“I drove it nice and slow,” he said.

The car is mostly original with several upgrades made over the years.

It is equipped with seat belts and a bigger radiator so the engine cools better than 1938 Fords did.

Its original cable brakes have been replaced with mechanical brakes.

“That’s pretty much everything that’s been upgraded,” Voth said.

A flathead engine that Henry Ford was famous for still sits in the engine compartment.

“The whole car’s been converted to 12 volts,” Voth said. “It has headlights that can be seen.”

Windshield wipers are mounted at the top of the windshield, and the car has manual transmission.

The steering wheel is a Ford banjo style with a five metal “strings” design.

“That’s kind of rare to still have original ones,” Voth said.

He estimates he’s put about 1,000 miles on it in the two years the family has owned it.

Last modified April 25, 2024