• Last modified 145 days ago (Aug. 28, 2024)


Old-time baseball leads off in Florence

Staff writer

Florence’s annual Labor Day celebration again will feature two days of activities.

At 5:30 p.m. Sunday, baseball players wearing vintage uniforms will take to the ballfield.

An ice cream social is planned at 7:30 p.m. “Minute to win it” games will start at 8 p.m., and fireworks will explode at dark.

Buttons for Monday’s 50/50 raffle will be sold for $5 each at Town and Country Cafe, the city office, and the Brandin’ Iron. Only 200 will be sold.

8 a.m. Monday— A car show at John McKay American Legion post is planned along with cowboy polo at the baseball field, quilt show at the Masonic Lodge, a photography contest at the Masonic Lodge, and a rock, paper, and scissors contest.

9 a.m. — Labor Day market will open at the ambulance building and Bryan Harper horseshoe tournament at Unity Park.

10 a.m. — Parade entrants will line up at football field.

10:45 a.m. — A flag raising at Veterans Park is planned.

11 a.m. — The parade will kick off.

11:30 a.m. — Entertainment at Veterans Park will include a petting zoo, a jump house, a haystack scramble, a gunny sack race, sprints, and a three-legged race.

1 p.m. — Kids games will begin with turtle races. Jess Dean will perform in Veterans Park, and cow chip bingo will be played.

2 p.m. — Buttons for winners of a 50/50 raffle will be drawn; photography contest winners will be announced; rock, paper, and scissors will have its finale; and entertainment will be provided at Veterans’ Park.

Entry into the cowboy polo contest is $100 for a four-person team. More information is available from Jerit Inlow at (620) 381-1030.

Entry in the rock, paper, scissors challenge is by purchasing six bead necklaces for $5, starting at Sunday’s baseball game. Contestants will walk around Labor Day events and challenge anyone wearing necklaces. The winner gets a necklace from the loser. At 2 p.m. Monday, two people with the most bead necklaces will challenge each other. The winner will get half of entry fees.

Vendors at the Labor Day market will sell sewn, baked, crocheted, jewelry, and craft items, tumblers, door hangers, photography, flavored pretzels, buttons, spice mixes, jams, jellies, and pickled items.

Entry fee for the horseshoe tournament will be $20.

Classes for a car show include custom trucks, original trucks, muscle cars, restored pre-1960s cars, original pre-1960s cars, rod sedans, rod customs, and rat rods. Classes for motorcycles include bagger/cruiser, chopper, antique pre-1988, sport bike, and trike. More information is available from

Food vendors Sunday will include John McKay American Legion Post, Gambino’s, K’s Krunchy Kreations, Torta Mary’s, Salsbury Sweets, and Wings and Tails barbecue.

Last modified Aug. 28, 2024