• Last modified 575 days ago (July 12, 2023)


Parents to weigh in on football

Staff writer

Residents of the Centre school district will be asked to express their opinions about remaining in six-player football or moving to eight-player football for 2024 and 2025.

At their meeting Monday night, school board members scheduled a public meeting on the topic for 7 p.m. July 24 in the district’s music room.

The biggest consideration will be the number of players available.

They also will hear about junior high football possibly seeking to field a joint team with Herington or Marion.

In other business Monday, the school board reviewed a floor plan for an approved day care building.

After deciding on locations of bathrooms, a shower room, an office, and a mechanical room, they approved additional expenditures of $406,661.89, including cost of water, sewer, and electric service along with a fiberglass shower and an office.

Ceiling height will be increased from 8 feet to 10 feet.

Bids on football field lighting were opened. They included a $200,000 bid for new poles and installation, a bid for just lights of $29,280, and bids for installation alone for $16,950 and $14,000.

The board agreed that the first bid was too expensive, but most members thought the project should be bid as a complete package — lights plus installation minus new poles.

All bids were rejected. and the project will be rebid, with new bids due July 24.

Last modified July 12, 2023