• Last modified 663 days ago (March 29, 2023)


Park gets special swing

Staff writer

A new swing at Marion’s Central Park offers joy to special-needs children.

The swing was donated by Father Kapaun Council of Knights of Columbus.

Designed for children ages 5 to 12, the swing offers secure buckles and harness and can be used by children up to 125 pounds.

Knights of Columbus raised the $762 needed to buy the swing in part with proceeds of its Tootsie Roll drive for people with intellectual disabilities. Chapter members also donated directly to the project.

Part of a global Catholic fraternal service, the local council for the Marion and Pilsen area particpated in an the Tootsie Roll Drive as part of Kansas Knights of Columbus.

Tootsie Rolls are handed out to people and businesses, and donations are accepted. The fund drive was the second weekend in October. This year the chapter raised $2,600.

The majority of the money went to Project Search at Tabor College and to purchase the swing. Additional money will help pay for a Kansas Special Olympics basketball tournament and summer camps for kids with intellectual disabilities.

Knights have donated more than $20,000 over the last 10 years to support programs for Marion-area people with intellectual disabilities.

The next Tootsie Roll drive will be in October.

Last modified March 29, 2023