• Last modified 1131 days ago (Jan. 6, 2022)


Pharmacy alarm now too sensitive?

Staff writer

An alarm that failed to sound when a burglar broke through the front door of Hillsboro Hometown Pharmacy now has summoned police twice when they were not needed.

Both times it was on holidays — Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

Police responded both times and found nothing amiss, chief Jessey Hiebert said.

The alarm was adjusted after a burglar entered the building Dec. 11 and made off with $8,654 worth of stimulants and opioid drugs in minutes.

“The sensitivity has been set really high on those security alarms,” Hiebert said. “I can guarantee that no one’s going to jiggle that door without setting off the alarm.”

The burglary, thought to have been part of a series of rural pharmacy break-ins, remains under investigation, Hiebert said.

Last modified Jan. 6, 2022