• Last modified 1021 days ago (April 27, 2022)


Planned dorm to get $1.5 million grant

A new, 86-student Tabor College residence hall — regarded as vital for recruiting students — received a boost last week with announcement of a $1.5 million challenge grant.

If Tabor, which already has raised $2.7 million, can raise an additional $2.3 million in the next year, it will receive the money from a frequent donor, the John and Lottie Mabee Foundation of Tulsa.

Groundbreaking for the residence hall, which will feature 28 double rooms, 12 single rooms, and 6 triple rooms at Adams and B Sts., is planned for May 5.

“The Mabee Foundation has been such a wonderful partner to Tabor College over the past 40 years,” President David Janzen said.

Challenge grants from the foundation helped finance the Wohlgemuth Music Education Center in 1989, Campus Recreation Center in 1992, Loewen Natural Science Center in 1997, Townhouse Residence Halls in 2006, and Flaming Center for the Arts in 2017.

In its 74-year history, the foundation, which focuses on challenge grants for brick-and-mortar projects, has contributed more than $1.2 billion to projects in Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas.

“There is still significant work that needs to be done,” Ron Braun, vice president of philanthropy, said.

Gifts of appreciated assets like stocks, commodities, real estate, and IRAs and gifts left through estates are particularly encouraged.

More information is available from Braun at or (620) 947-3121 Ext. 1710.

Last modified April 27, 2022