Planners discuss signage
Staff writer
Ten members of the public, half of them downtown business owners, spoke Tuesday with Marion city planners about downtown signs.
Discussion of downtown signs began in August after Chelsea Mackey opened Dawn’s Day Spa at 331 E. Main St. and soon afterward had a perpendicular sign mounted over the sidewalk.
Perpendicular signs violate zoning regulations downtown area.
Mackey has not been told to remove the sign. Planners first discussed whether such signs should be allowed in August.
People who came to Tuesday’s meeting generally favor ed the city changing regulations to allow the signs.
After hearing comments from the public, the planning commission voted to recommendation to the city council that the planners continue to discuss signs and possibly propose regulations for them.
Board member Bruce Skiles said he would prefer the signs not be lighted because downtown street lights would adequately illuminate them.
Board member Darvin Markley, who presided because the chairman and vice chairman were absent, said planners wanted to discuss signs being uniform and possible height and setbacks requirements so signs don’t butt up against each other.
“We also talked about not allowing any advertising signs,” Markley said.
Last modified Nov. 30, 2022