• Last modified 380 days ago (Feb. 1, 2024)


Planners endorse health building

Staff writer

Marion’s planning commission voted Tuesday to conditionally endorse the county’s request for a permit for construction of a new health department at the former site of the county food bank on Main St.

Planning commissioners considered the plan for a 5,000-square-foot, eight-office building with a drive-through garage.

The exit from the garage would connect to a parking lot at the school district office just north of the building.

The exit is what caused planners concern.

“We reviewed it and found they met all requirements except the egress of the drive-through garage going onto the school district’s office parking lot,” planning board chairman Darvin Markley said.

The county doesn’t yet have an easement that would allow traffic to onto school property.

Planners approved the plan to be forward to city council members with conditions:

  • That the easement be obtained.
  • That the easement be recorded on the property deed.
  • That a traffic control sign needs to be considered.

When city council members consider the request for a conditional use permit, they could approve the permit, deny the permit, or send it back to the planning and zoning commission.

Last modified Feb. 1, 2024