• Last modified 342 days ago (March 6, 2024)


Planting the seeds for a bad case of spring fever

Staff writer

With temperatures feeling much like spring, I am ready to start playing in the dirt and planting my garden.

But, don’t get too excited. Spring is not yet upon us, and winter could show up again.

The average last frost date for this area is April 17, Jana Dalke with Serenity Gardens said.

Warmer weather plants, like tomatoes and peppers, should be planted outside approximately two weeks after this date.

“I always like to wait until around Memorial Day to plant plants in the garden,” Wendy Youk of Aunt Bee’s said.

Whether you are planning a vegetable garden or planting flowers, many places offer seeds, plants, and gardening supplies.

Serenity Gardens, sells bulk vegetable seeds, onion sets, seed potatoes, and a large variety of plants. Seed potatoes, onion sets, and packaged seeds also can be found at Hillsboro Hardware, Bomgaar’s, Carlsons’ Grocery, and Marion Ace Hardware. Bulk seed also is available at Hillsboro Hardware.

Aunt Bee’s has packaged seed potatoes and onion sets as well as packaged garden seed.

If looking for flower or vegetable plants, Ace Hardware will receive plants around the first of April. Aunt Bee’s will be receiving plants the week of March 11.

“New gardeners should remember that A if for annual.” Dalke said.” These will need to be planted every year. P is for perennial; they will grow back.”

Dalke suggests getting to know the plants you want and learning your soil type, whether it is tight and clayey or loose and sandy.

A good resource, Dalke said, is a gardening calendar on Kansas State Research and Extension website.

New gardeners also can reach out to the seasoned ones, like my mother, Virginia. I’m sure I’ll be calling her and asking questions about my garden this year.

My mother likes to start planting her garden around March 17.

“I like to plant potatoes close to St. Patrick’s Day,” she said. “That way they can do some growing before it gets hot. It also helps for the plants to get bigger and stronger before potato bugs come around.”

I hope my green thumb will shine through like my mother’s and I don’t have to make too many phone calls. My gardening adventure will begin around St. Patrick’s Day.

Last modified March 6, 2024